남서태평양 리코후 드리프트 퇴적층의 쇄설성 실트입자 크기의 수직적 변화를 이용한 플라이스토세 후기 심해서안경계해류의 세기 변화

Late Pleistocene Variation in Intensity of Deep Western Boundary Current from Vertical Change in Size of Terrigenous Silt in the Rekohu Sediment Drift, SW Pacific

  • 김부근 (부산대학교 지구환경시스템학부) ;
  • 이영주 (한국지질자원연구원 석유해저부) ;
  • 박유현 (부산대학교 지구환경시스템학부) ;
  • 박장준 (한국지질자원연구원 석유해저부)
  • Kim, B.K. (Division of Earth Environmental System, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Y.J. (Petroleum and Marine Resources Division, KIGAM) ;
  • Park, Y.H. (Division of Earth Environmental System, Pusan National University) ;
  • Bahk, J.J. (Petroleum and Marine Resources Division, KIGAM)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


Hole 1124 of ODP Leg 181 was located in the Rekohu sediment drift off eastern New Zealand in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Mean gain sizes of sortable silt were measured in two drilled cores (1124A and l124B). Chronostratigraphy of core 1124 was correlated with the well-dated nearby core S931, resulting that the age of core 1124 covers the late Pleistocene spanning about MIS (Marine Isotope Stage) 5. Mean grain size of sortable silt seemed to be relatively large during the glacial period, whereas that of the interglacial period was smaller, although several tephra layers contain some coarse-grained pyroclatic particles. The variation in mean grain size of sortable silt in Rekohu sediment drift during the late Pleistocene indicates that the intensity of Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) might have been enhanced during the glacial period as a result of increased production of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW).



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