Stimulating Online Communities-of-Practice: The Influence of Sponsors in Organizations

온라인 실행공동체(Communities-of-Practice) 활성화 요인과 스폰서의 영향

  • 고준 (전남대학교, 경영대학, 2단계 BK21 사업단) ;
  • 엄기용 (한국기술교육대학교 산업경영학부)
  • Published : 2006.06.30


Firms are increasingly adopting online communities-of-practice (CoPs) with strong managerial support in hopes of promoting knowledge sharing and creation within the organization. Excessive managerial concern and sponsoring, however, could harm the spontaneity of CoP participants, which is one of the pivotal characteristics of virtual communities, and in the end, have negative impact on their smooth operation. In this regard, this study examines the factors which affect the stimulation of CoPs and explores the difference in their operating mechanisms under two differing organizational structural settings by the existence of a sponsor. By analyzing 133 samples of CoPs in a globally leading company, this study found that the existence of a sponsor designated by the organization, has serious influence on the working of CoPs, That is, leaders' enthusiasm and the level of off-line activities are critical factors for the stimulation of CoPs which have no sponsor, while in case of CoPs that have their sponsors, neither leaders' enthusiasm nor the level of off-line activities are significantly related to the stimulation of CoPs. At the same time, the performance of CoPs which have their sponsors was found significantly higher than that of CoPs which have no sponsor. These results indicate that firms need to pay special attention to organizational sponsorship when introducing CoPs within their organizations.



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