온라임 게임의 전유가 게임 성과에 미치는 영향 : 대규모 다중사용자 온라인 역할수행게임을 중심으로

The Influence of Appropriation and on Performance in Online Game: Focusing on MMORPG

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


One of the most important reasons for using online game is intrinsic motivation which relates the drive to perform a behavior for perceptions of pleasure and satisfaction from the behavior itself. Therefore, most studies for using online game have been based on theories for intrinsic motivation such as flow. However, such theories have some limitations for explaining social aspects of online games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Role Game (MMORPG), which provides a society for game players by using a virtual space for playing games so called 'persistent world'. Adaptive structuration theory (AST) is one of trying to capture the change of using IT due to social interactions between users and system. In order to explain online game players' behavior considering social interaction, we suggest a research model based on AST. Our model aims to investigate the relationship between appropriation which is determined by faithfulness of appropriation (FOA) and consensus on appropriation (COA) and performance which is represented by the relationship among perceived winning, flow, and intention of reuse. An empirical test of our model for 125 MMORPG users which is analyzed by Partial Least Square method shows very satisfactory and interesting results. While hypotheses suggested in our model are supported, the influence of COA on game performance is shown to be stronger than that of FOA.



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