국내 손해 보험사의 e-Business 기업 혁신 사례 연구

A Case Study of Process Innovation for e-Business Transformation: Lessons Learned from a Korea-Based Leading P&C Insurance Company

  • 김승언 ((주)삼성화재해상보험) ;
  • 박주석 (경희대학교 경영대학 e-비즈니스) ;
  • 김재경 (경희대학교 경영대학 e-비즈니스)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.31


As insurers have undergone changing customer expectations, increased cross-industry competition and restructured distribution channels, they need to enhance customer relationships, cut costs, increase agility and streamline operations while differentiating the core competency. As such, the importance of e-business transformation has increased where organizational core processes are restructured around customers and interned-based technology is adopted for flexible and adaptive information systems. This paper presents a case study of process innovation for e-business transformation in a Korea-based leading property & casualty insurance company. The company initiated three years-long e-business transformation program to remain competitive and to keep sustainable growth under risky and down economy. The program, which covered enterprise-wide business processes such as product, marketing & sales, customer, claim, investment & loan, accountings, etc., included redesigning processes from customers' viewpoint and then implementing process-aligned information systems. Leadership, sponsorship, change management, performance measurement, business and IT alignment, empowerment, and customized methodology, were emphasized throughout the program. As a result, the company could expect not only improvements in customer-centricity, sales productivity, and operational excellence but also increased revenues and profits in the next three years. The presented case addresses a feasible approach for enterprise-wide e-business transformation. Although the strategies, actions, and business and IT models are not described in detail due to confidentiality, the methodology and the success factors would be applicable to other insurers and possibly organizations in different industries.



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