가죽, 모피가공 및 제조시설의 폐수처리시설 BAT평가

Assessment of Best Available Technology of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry

  • 투고 : 2005.08.17
  • 심사 : 2005.10.17
  • 발행 : 2006.01.30


The effluent limitations for individual industry based on the best available technology economically achievable (BAT) have been required to achieve effective regulation. BAT assessment criteria that are suitable for the circumstances of Korean industry were developed in the previous study. The criteria were applied to determine the BAT for leather tanning and finishing industry. For the evaluation BAT, a subcategorization for the industry considering wastewater characteristics, source equipments, raw material and so on should be suggested. Three subcategories: A) Unharing, Chrome Tan, Retan-Wet Finish, B) Chrome Tan, Retan-Wet Finish, and C) Furskins were proposed in this study. Wastewater discharged from the each category contains high concentration of COD, chrome, nitrogen and sulfide. In particular, the concentration of nitrogen from the subcategory A is significantly greater. Twenty sites were surveyed and wastewater qualities were analyzed. Therefore, six different technologies were applied to the subcategory A for the end-of-pipe treatment technology, and a technology was used in the subcategory B and C, respectively. The technology candidates were evaluated in terms of environmental impacts, economically achievability, treatment performance and economical reasonability. As the result, the technology options for each subcategories: A) primary chemical precipitation + modified Ludzack-Ettinger process (MLE) + secondary chemical precipitation, B) chemical precipitation + typical activated-sludge process + Fenton oxidation, C) chemical precipitation + typical activated-sludge process + batch Fenton oxidation or batch activated carbon treatment were selected as the BAT, respectively.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 환경부


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