The study of high school student's activities of Marine Sports on the development of their sociality

고등학생의 해양스포츠 활동과 사회성 발달에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2006.10.24
  • Accepted : 2006.11.15
  • Published : 2006.12.30


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of high school students' activities of Marine Sports on the development of their sociality by comparing students in this activities with those who are not in this activities. The objects of this research are high school students who live in Busan at present. The total number of the object is 146, including 74 students who participated in this organization and 72 students who didn't participate in this organization. We have reached the following conclusion after analyzing the materials according to the methods and procedures of the research. In the domain of activity, the students who are in Marine sport activities are statistically different from those who are not. In the domain of stability, the students who are in Marine sport activities are meaningfully different from those who are not. In the domain of ascendancy, the students who are in Marine sport activities are meaningfully different from those who are not. In the domain of sociability, the students who are in Marine sport activities are meaningfully different from those who are not. In the domain of self-control, the students who are in Marine sport activities are meaningfully different from those who are not.



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