The Attenuation Structure of the South Korea: A review

  • Chung, T. W. ;
  • Noh, M. H. ;
  • Matsumoto, S. (Kyushu University)
  • Published : 20060000


Fukuoka earthquake on March 20, 2005 showed the potential hazard of large events out of S. Korea. From the viewpoint of seismic hazard, seismic amplitude decrease Q-1 is very important. Related to the crustal cracks induced by the earthquakes, the value of Q-1- high Q-1 regions are more attenuating than low Q-1 regions - shows a correlation with seismic activity; relatively higher values of Q-1 have been observed in seismically active areas than in stable areas. For the southeastern and central S. Korea, we first simultaneously estimated QP-1 and QS-1 by applying the extended coda-normalization method to KIGAM and KNUE network data. Estimated QP-1 and QS-1 values are 0.009 f-1.05 and 0.004 f-0.70 for southeastern S. Korea and 0.003 f -0.54 and 0.003 f -0.42 for central S. Korea, respectively. These values agree with those of seismically inactive regions such as shield. The low QLg-1 value, 0.0018f -0.54 was also obtained by the coda normalization method. In addition, we studied QLg-1 by applying the source pair/receiver pair (SPRP) method to both domestic and far-regional events. The obtained QLg-1 for all Fc is less than 0.002, which is reasonable value for a seismically inactive region.



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