우리나라 중학생의 흡연실태와 관련 요인 분석

Analysis of Related Factors on Middle School Student Smoking in Korea

  • 발행 : 2006.12.01


Purpose : This study are the secondary data of Global Youth Tobacco Survey(GYTS) developed by the WHO and United State Center for Disease Control(CDC) and Prevention to trace tobacco use among youth in youth in countries across the world. This study was carried out to serve for a basis for antismoking campaigns and to prevent adolescents from smoking by analyzing the smoking by analyzing the smoking realities factors. Methods : This study is a cross-sectional school-based survey, which employed a two-stage cluster sample design to produce a nationally representative sample of middle school students aged 13 to 15 years olds. Seventy-five schools were selected. All schools containing grade 1, 2 and 3 that contained 40 or students were included in the sampling frame. Results : The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The proportion of smoking students in middle school was 6.4% and the rate of smoking in male students(7.4%) was higher than it of in female students(5.5%). 2. 26.5% of all respondent had a experience to try smoke and the results showed that the rate of trying smoking in male students was increased by grade more than female students. 3. According to test of significance in regression analysis, the independent variables such as sex, school grade, smoking parents, friends distinction, pocket money and others showed statistical significance. 4. There was a statistical significance between smokers and nonsmokers in proportion to the completing the preventive education for nonsmoking(p=0.0023) and the acquirement of knowledge on smoking(p<.0001). 5. Finally there was a statistical significance between the exposure to anti-smoking campaign(p=0.0053) and tobacco advertisement in the mass media and the smoking(p=0.0036). Conclusion : All things considered, the health education for tobacco control in school need to be developed from an elementary school. I suggest that prevent smoking program in school need to be revitalized and be made more accessible for everyone who wish to quit. And the government should develop the regulation on total banning promoting cigarette advertising and smoking scene in the movie for young people.



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