Middle School Teachers' Schooling Culture and Job Satisfaction

중학교 교사들의 교직문화와 직무만족

  • Received : 2006.01.04
  • Accepted : 2006.01.25
  • Published : 2006.04.30


A total of 480 questionnaires were sent out for this study and 414 collected, and 410 analyzed excluding inadequate ones. The major findings were as follows:First, the middle school teachers recognized their schooling culture to be neither positive nor negative in nature, rather neutral. They felt administrative work was over emphasized in schools. Second, their overall job satisfaction was slightly above neutral. Factors of organizational structure, human relations, and work-itself showed above neutral and only 'reward and self-actualization' factor below neutral: The 'reward and self-actualization' factor was hindrance to job satisfaction.Third, schooling culture and job satisfaction showed negative correlation: a toxic culture.



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