울릉도 산림식생유형과 생활형조성

Forest Vegetation types and Its Life-form Composition in Ulleung Island, Korea

  • 투고 : 2006.02.06
  • 심사 : 2006.03.30
  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


울릉도 산림식생의 유형은 총 232개 조사구를 토대로 식물사회학과 TWINSPAN분석에 의해 구분되었으며, 유형별 생활형조성이 분석되었다. 이 지역의 산림식생유형은 모두 22개 식생단위로 나타났으며, 크게 산지식생과 해안식생의 2개 광역그룹으로 대별되고, 전자는 4개 군락, 11개 군, 7개 소군, 후자는 2개 군락, 5개 군의 체계를 나타내었다. 산지식생과 해안식생의 생활형조성 특성을 보면 전자는 교목성과 초본성식물, 반지중식물, 바람에 의한 산포와 자연낙하기관형, 직립형식물 등의 구성비가 상대적으로 높았고, 후자는 관목성식물, 지표식물, 바람과 동물에 의한 산포기관형, 좁은 범위에 연락체를 만드는 유형과 포복경식물의 구성비가 높았다. 특히 산지식생형의 하위단위에 속하는 말오줌나무군락(A6)은 교란의 영향으로 바람에 의한 산포기관형, 약간 넓은 범위에 연락체를 만드는 유형과 덩굴형의 식물의 구성비가 높게 나타났다.

Forest vegetation types were studied by the phytosociological investigation and the TWINSPAN method in Ulleung Island, Korea. Two hundred thirty-two releves were sampled with $100m^2$ plots. Two main vegetation types, the mountain forest(Acer okamotoanum community group) and maritime forest(Artemisia scoparia community group), have been distinguished and typified twenty-two vegetation units. The former was divided in 4 communities, 11 groups and 7 subgroups. The latter was 2 communities and 5 groups. In a case of life-forms of mountain and maritime vegetation type, the composition ratio of species that had featured trees and herbs, hemicrypthophyte, a seed dispersion-type by wind or nature falling and erection form was high in the mountain vegetation type. Species that had featured shrubs, chamaephyte, disseminated mainly by a wind in the herbs, and animals and man or no special modification in the woody, narrowest extent of rhizomatous growth and the clonal growth by stolons and struck roots and procumbent form were abundantly distributed in the maritime bluff vegetation type. Particularly, the composition ratio of Sambucus sieboldiana var. pendula community(A6), disturbed vegetation type of middle-lower slope of mountain, that had featured a seed dispersion-type by wind, moderate and narrowest extent of rhizomatous growth and Tussock form was high.



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