부산광역시 중등학교 교육공무원 승진정책의 집행결과 평가

The Evaluation on the Execution Results of Middle School Educational Officials' Promotion Policy in Busan Metropolitan City

  • 투고 : 2006.05.22
  • 심사 : 2006.07.24
  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


This study has been made to see how much the execution results of the promotion policy for middle school teaching staffs succeeded for education development. The objects of the study are 70 physical education teachers in middle school in Busan, 2005, and the method is through questionnaires. The aim of the study is to grasp the propriety, the suitability, the effectiveness, the efficiency and the correspondence on the execution results of the promotion policy of middle schools' educational officials, and to refer to them at the policy. The conclusions are as follows:1. As to the propriety of promotion policy, it shows to have 65.8% support, so the aim selection proves not to be much unreasonable. 2. As to the suitability, it shows to have 52.5% support, so the selection of the policy ways for practicing the policy aim proves to be a little unsuitable. 3. As to the effectiveness, it shows to have 70.7% support, and the rate of support is the highest of the change factors of evaluation, so it proves to be very successful in the achievement of policy aim. 4. As to the efficiency, it shows to have 63.8% support, so the policy drive activity proves to be inefficient. 5. As to the correspondence, it shows to have 46.2% support, and it is the lowest mark of the change factors of evaluation. Therefore it proves that the favor-receiver, the physical education teachers have very low degree of good feeling.



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