원양어업의 경영구조적 문제와 글로벌 발전모델 및 정책에 관한 연구

A Study on the Structural Problems and Global Development Model and Policy of the Distant-water Fisheries, Korea

  • 투고 : 2006.05.18
  • 심사 : 2006.07.14
  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


With extension of national jurisdiction over coastal living resources, new dimensions and objectives should be added to international cooperation in distant-water fisheries concepts. For distant-water fishing nations, Korea, joint exploitation of these resources is today considered not only as a way of producing additional income opportunities, but first of all as at least a partial solution to neutralization of harvesting limitations imposed on them in traditionally exploited fishing grounds.This paper explores the development of Korean distant-water fisheries agreements and reviews the various types of agreements currently in place and discusses the future of Korean distant-water fisheries agreements with third countries. The relationship between coastal States and fishing fleets from non-adjacent countries has been transformed since the 1980s. This was primarily a result of the declaration of Exclusive Economic Zones(EEZs) by many coastal states in the years leading up to the close of the negotiations of the UNCLOS in 1982. Significantly, by recognizing the right of coastal states to determine how their waters were to be exploited, UNCLOS provided a legal basis and economic motivation for the negotiation of access agreements between coastal states and distant-water fishing nations, KoreaThere is a real danger that Korean distant-water fisheries agreements could and do result in the adverse environmental impacts experienced in Korean coastal waters being transferred to third country water and consequently creating socio-economic problems for these third countries. Korean distant-water fisheries agreements with third countries have the potential to be a force for good if they are well managed and if the principals that will be applied within Korean coastal waters, through the reform of the distant-water fisheries policy, are applied equally upon third country waters.



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