Incidence of R-factors in Food-Borne Shigella sonnei

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


The pattern of drug resistance and incidence of R-factors were studied in Shigella sonnei as food-borne pathogen strains isolated from chicken meat in Iran. In this study we examined for transferring R-factors of S. sonnei to sensitive Escherichia coli $k_{12}{\bar{F}}(\lambda)$. The results showed that 19 out of 57 strains (33.3%) were resistant to one or more drugs and multiple drug resistance was more common than single drug resistance. The most predominant pattern of resistance observed was Tetracycline (Tc), Chloramphenicol (Cm), Streptomycin (Sm), and Sulfonamide (Su). 100% of the strains from the Caspian littoral transferred at least a part of their resistance pattern to sensitive E.coli $k_{12}{\bar{F}}(\lambda)$.



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