Effect of Liquid Manure Source, Application Rate and Time on Agronomic Characteristics and Forage Yield of Winter Rye

가축분뇨의 종류, 시비량 및 시비시기가 호밀의 생육특성과 생산성에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2006.12.30


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of liquid manure source, application rate and time on the agronomic characteristics and forage yield of winter rye. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. The treatments were : CFB150=chemical fertilizer(CF) 150 N as basal, CFS150=CF 150 N as split application (75+75), SLB150=swine liquid (SL) 150 N as basal, SLS150=SL 150 N as split application (75+75), SLB300=SL 300 N as basal, SLS150=SL 300 N as split application(150+150), CLB150=cattle liquid (CL) 150 N as basal, CLS150=CL 150 N as split awlication(75+75), CLB300=CL 300 N as basal, CLS150=CL 300 N as split application(150+150). Heading date of the plant was observed on the 17th of April fur both chemical fertilizer and swine liquid, and on the 16th of April for cattle liquid. Stay green of chemical fertilizer was higher than others because of high crude protein content. Leaf was darker in high nitrogen fertilizer treatments than low N treatments. However lodging resistance was poor as nitrogen fertilizer was increased. Dry matter (DM) content of rye at chemical fertilizer was lower than liquid manure. DM yield of chemical fertilizer treatments were highest among the fertilizer source. However, DM yield of rye with application was all most same at different N application methods. The crude protein (CP) content and yield for chemical fertilizer was significantly higher than liquid manure. CP yield using split application was higher by 16% and 28%, compared to basal application. Based on the results of this study, forage production of liquid manure was lower, compared to chemical fertilizer. And split application was superior to basal application forage and protein yields, and high protein.

본 시험은 가축분뇨와 시비시기가 추파 호밀의 생육특성, 사초수량 및 조단백질 함량에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 실시하였다. 본 시험은 처리구로 화학비료 150N 전량기비구(CFB 150), 화학비료150N분시구(CFS150), 액상돈분 150N기비구(SLB150), 액상돈분150N분시구(SLS150), 액상돈분 300N기비구(SLB300), 액상돈분 300N분시구(SLS300), 액상우분 150N기비구(CLB150), 액상우분150N분시구(CLS150), 액상우분300N기비(CLB300), 액상우분300N분시(CLS300)로 10처리 3반복의 난괴법으로 하였다. 호밀의 출수기는 화학비료구와 돈분구는 4월 17일로 우분구는 4월 16일로 1일 늦었다. 화학비료의 녹체성은 다른 처리구 보다 높았고, 질소비료의 양이 증가할수록 녹체성이 높았으며 이는 호밀의 조단백질 함량 증가가 원인이었다. 그러나 호밀의 내도복성은 녹체성과는 반대로 질소비료가 적고 기비만 준 구에서 높았다. 화학비료의 건물률은 액상돈분 및 액상우분 보다 낮았다. 화학비료의 생초 및 건물수량은 액비보다 높았다. 건물수량은 분시와 전량기비 간에 차이가 없었다. 화학비료의 조단백질 함량 및 수량은 액상돈분 및 액상우분 보다 많았으며, 분시는 전량기비 보다 16%에서 18% 많았다. 이상의 결과를 볼 때 액상돈분 및 액상우분은 화학비료 보다 사초생산성이 낮았다. 그리고 분시는 전량기비 보다 건물 및 조단백질 수량 증가 측면에서 우수하였다.



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