어머니 양육효능감의 매개적 역할 - 양육행동에 따라 아동의 자존감에 영향을 미치는 양육의 제 변인들에 대한 모형 탐색 -

The Mediational Role of Korean Mother's Parenting Self-Efficacy - The Effects of Parenting Related Variables on Child Self-Esteem -

  • 최형성 (신라대학교 유아교육과)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


This study investigated the relations between mother's parenting self-efficacy, perceived social support, parenting behavior, and stress, and child's temperament, and child' self-esteem, including a mediational role of Korean mother's parenting self-efficacy. The participants were 404 Korean child-mother dyads living in Seoul, Korea. Structural equation modeling indicated that mother's parenting self-efficacy was a significant mediator of the relation between mother's perceived social support and child's temperament and mother's parenting behaviors including Warmth-Acceptance, Rejection-Restriction, and Permissiveness-Nonintervention. In the Warmth-Acceptance model, mother's parenting self-efficacy was related to child self-esteem through Warmth-Acceptance. In the Rejection-Restriction model, mother's parenting self-efficacy was related to child self-esteem both directly and through Rejection-Restriction. Child's temperament was also related to Rejection-Restriction directly. In the Permissiveness-Nonintervention model, mother's parenting self-efficacy was related to child self-esteem directly, not through Permissiveness-Nonintervention. Child's temperament, also, was related to Permissiveness-Nonintervention directly.



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