결혼생활 적응을 위한 결혼 전 상담 프로그램 효과검증 연구

Evaluation of a Premarital Counseling Program for Marital Adjustment

  • 김미경 (백석대학교 기독교학부) ;
  • 송정아 (백석대학교 상담대학원)
  • Kim, Mi-Kyoung (Department of Christian Studies, Baekseok University) ;
  • Song, Jung-Ah (Graduate School of Counseling, Baekseok University)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


This study focused on a premarital counseling program and examined its effectiveness. The program consisted of eight sessions and was conducted with twelve premarital couples: six in the experimental group and six in the control group. The results were as followings. First, the premarital counselling program influenced the relationships of the premarital couples such as communication, sexual attitude, conflict solution, financial management, openness, interpersonal trust, and intimacy. Second, the male group significantly improved more than the female group in the areas of communication, conflict solution, and sexual attitude. The effects of the program continued to be effective after three months.



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