가족의 일상생활 연구를 위한 질적방법론 고찰

Studying Everyday Life of Families with Qualitative Methodology

  • 양성은 (조선대학교 행정.복지학부)
  • Yang, Sung-Eun (Division of Public Administration and Social Welfare, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.30


The purposes of the article are to explore historical contexts where everyday life is identified as the essence of family studies, and to suggest qualitative methodology which is effective to understand meanings of family everyday life. Everyday life is the integrity of the time when family members progress in a family life cycle, the space where they interact with each other, and the way how they achieve their developmental tasks. Qualitative methodology, coming from interpretive science paradigm, focuses on those processes, interactions, and meanings of family members in natural settings. Example researches are introduced to show what specific topic can be studied and how they be interpreted for exploring family everyday life. The future of studying everyday life is discussed in terms of the research topic and the methods.



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