생활과학, 일상생활, 그리고 일상성: 식민지적 근대화와 '일상'을 지운 학문을 넘어서기

Home Ecology, Everyday Life, and Life-World: Beyond the Scholarship of Colonial Modernity

  • 조한혜정 (연세대학교 사회과학대학 문화.인류학)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.30


Life Science or Home Economics has its own history of scholarship. In South Korea, the School of Home Economics was regarded as the best school of 'producing best brides' in the early stage of its academic history. Since the 1980s when South Korean society went through a speedy economic growth with development of culture and service industry, the school was transformed to educating highly professional career women in the field of industry which deals with everyday lives. As an applied science in nature, the school of Home Economics has had a heavy emphasis on engineering the familial and social life. It also has heavily depended on imported theories and statistical researches. In the crisis of familial and social disintergration, the role of School of Home Economics needs to be redefined. Reexamination of the premises of Home Economics and methodology is necessary. Decolonializaton of the scholarship in the changed condition of global capitalism is particularly urgent in the late modern era of reflexion.



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