청소년 집단 따돌림에서 동조 행동의 영향 변인

The Variables Affecting Adolescents' Conformity Behavior in Bullying

  • 류경희 (창원대학교 아동가족학과)
  • Ryu, Kyung-Hee (Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies, Changwon National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The purpose of this study is to determine the variables affecting adolescents' conformity behavior in bullying. The study subjects were 753 middle school and high school students. The data were analyzed using Chi-Square, ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analysis. The major findings are as follows. 1. The variables affecting bully-conformity behavior were sympathy, close friends to confide in, anxiety, social skills, and family harmony. The variables affecting victim-conformity behavior were social skills, sex, attitude toward school atmosphere, anxiety, and sympathy. The variables affecting onlooker behavior were anxiety, sex, and close friends to confide in. 2. Sympathy, self-esteem and social skills were higher in the victim-conformity group than in the other two groups. Anxiety was higher in the onlooker group than in the other two groups. In the case of the victim-conformity group compared to the bully-conformity group, the parents showed more generous attitude toward their children, a more harmonious atmosphere existed within family members, and the group showed better relationship with teachers. Finally, the victim-conformity group showed a positive attitude toward school atmosphere, compared to the other two groups.



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