Shih-tzu자견에서 머리둘레, 눈의 변화 및 유치의 맹출 시기의 변화상

The Development of Head Circumferences, Changes of the Eyes and the Eruption time of Deciduous Teeth in Shih-tzu Pups

  • Kim, Bang-Sil (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Son, Chang-Ho (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The purpose of this study was to document; the development of head circumferences, changes of the eyes, and the time of eruption of deciduous teeth in Shih-tzu dogs. In 12 pups of 4 Shih-tzu bitches, the development of head circumferences were estimated from whelping day (Day 0) to 41 days after birth, and the changes of the eyes and the time of eruption of deciduous teeth were estimated from whelping day to 45 days. The head circumferences were $11.24{\pm}0.67\;(mean{\pm}S.D)$ cm in Day 0 and $19.87{\pm}1.42cm$ in Day 41 and the daily increased length was $0.22{\pm}0.08cm$, respectively. The changes of the eyes wert: determined the first and the completely opening time of eyes. The first and completely opening time of the eyes in pups Day $10.75{\pm}0.97$ (range: $9.50{\sim}13.00$) and Day $13.17{\pm}1.27\;(11.50{\sim}15.33)$, respectively. In the time of deciduous teeth eruption in Shih-tzu, the first day of eruption was started in Day 35.90. The rank of deciduous teeth eruption was $C_1,\;C^1,\;P_3,\;I^3,\;I^2,\;P_4,\;I^1\;and\;P_2$, respectively.



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