지식경영의 성공요인 : 공기업 사례

Antecedents of Knowledge Management Success in Public Enterprises

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this study is to examine influential factors in knowledge-sharing and to analyze how these factors influence the performances of knowledge management (KM) in public enterprises. Influencing factors of KM in this study include evaluation-compensation, knowledge management system, learning culture, and organizational structures. As a result, analysis turned out to be the KM system and organizational structure directly effects knowledge-sharing and KM performances. And knowledge-sharing performed as mediating effect between independent variables such as compensation system and organization structure, and dependent variable like KM performance. Therefore, this study concludes that each factor of evaluation-compensation system and learning culture has directly influenced to knowledge-sharing, yet KM performances have Indirectly influenced.



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