복식 디자인에 표현된 의미적 열린 구조

A Study on Meaning of Open Structure in Clothing Design

  • 조애래 (장안대학 패션디자인과) ;
  • 김영인 (연세대학교 생활디자인학과)
  • Cho, El-Lie (Dept. of Fashion Design, Jangan College) ;
  • Kim, Young-In (Dept. of Human Environment & Design, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.29


The purpose of this study is to apply a concept of open structure to clothing design and to verify the characteristics found in the various types of clothing which has open structure. The literatures from various academic fields including philosophy, literature, social science, architecture, and fine arts are investigated to define the concept of openness and to analyze it from the perspectives both of the visual and of the moaning of openness. This paper is to identify the types and the characteristics of clothing by future intention, complexity, discontinuity of open structure. By closely examining fashion design after 1980s found in fashion collection publications and designer's websites, the results of this study are as follows: first, the concept of openness can be classified into two different levels, that is, visual and meaning, secondly, in clothing the concept of open structure is applied to the meaning side by future intention, by complexity and by discontinuity. Open structure through future Intention has new content and interpretation and must have the possibility of intelligence awakening, future guidance and basic contents. Open structure through complexity has secondary function exists concurrent with the shape key example is the smart clothes with the digital functions. It has functions of amusement, supplement and protective, and is future clothes which satisfies with health, welfare, desire of beauty. Open structure with discontinuity is clothes with dramatic changes in system, structures and states. Structure can be changed by silhouette, detail, or fabric, material, or dramatic and practical function as tools in terms of productions and environment. This study can help to formulate and to integrate the concept of open structure in clothing with various phases and enhance the value of clothes by showing an application of the concept of openness to the clothing in meaning level.



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