청각장애 아동의 음운인식 능력과 단어확인 능력의 상관연구

A Study of Correlation Between Phonological Awareness and Word Identification Ability of Hearing Impaired Children

  • 김유경 (대구대학교 대학원 재활과학과 언어치료) ;
  • 김문정 (대구대학교 대학원 재활과학과 언어치료) ;
  • 안종복 (가야대학교 재활과학계열 언어치료청각학과) ;
  • 석동일 (대구대학교 재활과학대학 언어치료학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.01


Hearing impairment children possess poor underlying perceptual knowledge of the sound system and show delayed development of segmental organization of that system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between phonological awareness ability and word identification ability in hearing impaired children. 14 children with moderately severe hearing loss participated in this study. All tasks were individually administered. Phonological awareness tests consisted of syllable blending, syllable segmentation, syllable deletion, body-coda discrimination, phoneme blending, phoneme segmentation and phoneme deletion. Close-set Monosyllabic Words(12 items) and lists 1 and 2 of open-set Monosyllabic Words in EARS-K were examined for word identification. Results of this study were as follows: First, from the phonological awareness task, the close-set word identification showed a high positive correlation with the coda discrimination, phoneme blending and phoneme deletion. The open-set word identification showed a high positive correlation with phoneme blending, phoneme deletion and phoneme segmentation. Second, from the level of phonological awareness, the close-set word identification showed a high positive correlation with the level of body-coda awareness and phoneme awareness while the open-set word identification showed a high positive correlation only with the level of phoneme awareness.
