우선순위제약 DEA모델을 이용한 서비스조직의 성과평가

The Performance Evaluation on Service Organization using the Priority-Constrained DEA Model

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


This paper attempts to improve the typical DEA model that is often used as a performance evaluation method for service firms. The after-sales service system in a Korean electronic company is chosen as a sample case. The performance evaluation method currently practiced in the firm was reviewed and some critical issues of the current method were discussed. DEA model would be considered a solution for solving those Issues. However, typical DEA models has various drawbacks in determining the weights over evaluation criteria. Proposed is the priority-constrained DEA model that accommodates the strategic Importance of each evaluation criterion. The results of the proposed model are compared with those of typical DEA models. It is shown that the priority-constrained DEA model is superior to the others in terms of evaluation quality.



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