실시간 일정계획 문제에 대한 Control 기반의 매개변수 프로그래밍을 이용한 해법의 개발

Development of An On-line Scheduling Framework Based on Control Principles and its Computation Methodology Using Parametric Programming

  • 유준형 (삼성전자 반도체 총괄 메모리 사업부)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.01


Scheduling plays an important role in the process management in terms of providing profit-maximizing operation sequence of multiple orders and estimating completion times of them. In order to takes its full potential, varying conditions should be properly reflected in computing the schedule. The adjustment of scheduling decisions has to be made frequently in response to the occurrence of variations. It is often challenging because their model has to be adjusted and their solutions have to be computed within short time period. This paper employs Model Predictive Control(MPC) principles for updating the process condition in the scheduling model. The solutions of the resulting problems considering variations are computed using parametric programming techniques. The key advantage of the proposed framework is that repetition of solving similar programming problems with decreasing dimensionis avoided and all potential schedules are obtained before the execution of the actual processes. Therefore, the proposed framework contributes to constructing a robust decision-support tool in the face of varying environment. An example is solved to illustrate the potential of the proposed framework with remarks on potential wide applications.



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