The Effects of Smoking Cessation and Antioxidant Vitamins on Oxidative Stress

  • Ha, Aewha (Department of Food and Nutrition, Soong Eui Women's College)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


In this study, the effects of smoking cessation and relative antioxidant activities on the oxidative stress were determined by using in vitro method. Thirty healthy smokers who were free of any disease and smoked more than 1 pack per day for the past 10 years participated in this study. For smoking cessation, smokers were asked to wear nicotine patch (21mg nicotine/ patch) everyday for 30 days and then to replace at the same time of the day. Smoking cessation program in conjunction with nicotine patch replacement was also conducted every week, one hour/each session, for 4 weeks. Canthaxanthin, $\beta-carotene$, and $\alpha-tocopherol$ were added into red blood cells at pre and post smoking cessation. As indicators of oxidative stress, hemoglobin degradation, lipid peroxidation, and percent hemolysis were determined at both pre and post smoking cessation. After 30 days of smoking cessation, the subjects gained an average of 5 pounds, varying 2 to 8 pounds, by suggesting that behavioral problems rather than nicotine itself are more important for gaining weight in ex-smokers. The total hemoglobin concentrations in blood were similar in pre and post smoking cessation, but smoking cessation resulted in a decrease in the percentage of methemoglobin from 0.96% to 0.85% Smoking cessation also caused to decease malondialdehyde (MDA) values ($26.7{\pm}7.8$ vs. $23.6{\pm}4.5$ (without oxidation), $179.3{\pm}21$ vs. $161.2{\pm}28$ nmol/ml (with oxidation) (p<0.05)), not percent hemolysis. Various antioxidants with smoking cessation significantly decreased MDA values(p<0.05), in contrast to marginal decrease of MDA in smoking cessation only. Three antioxidants used in this stu study were similarly effective in inhibiting MDA production, but relative effectiveness of canthaxanthin or $\alpha-tocopherol$ was greater than that of $\beta-carotene$ (p<0.05), in case of oxidation induced. The percent hemolysis was greatly decreased when antioxidants were added into the blood of ex-smokers (p<0.05) but no statistical significance in relative effectiveness of antioxidants was observed.



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