Effect of Glucose-Sweetened Drinks on Blood Glucose, Energy, and Water Intake at a Meal 3h Later in Healthy Males

  • Kim, Seok-Young (Department of Food and Nutrition, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


The aims of this study were to describe the effects of glucose-sweetened drinks on blood glucose, energy, and water intake at a meal 3 hours later. The effect of blood glucose on prandial energy intake and the relationship between water and energy intake during a meal were also determined. Twenty healthy normal-weight men were fed pizza test meals 3h after consuming four drinks of 0, 50g, 65g, and 75g glucose in random order, within-subjects design. Blood samples were measured at baseline and every 30 min after ingestion of drinks and 30min after the end of the test meal and the appetite was also assessed by visual analog test at the same interval. The results of this study showed that various glucose drinks altered blood glucose responses compared with that of water control(p<0.0001). Blood glucose areas under the curve(AUC) for glucose-sweetened drinks were significantly(p<0.05) higher than that for the control over 3 hours after a drink and 30 min after the test meal. Consumption of the glucose-sweetened drinks significantly increased(p<0.05) energy and water intake at a test meal compared with the water control, except the drink containing 75g glucose. For all drinks combined, the energy intake was negatively correlated with the blood glucose and positively correlated with the volume of water consumed at a test meal at 3 hours later.



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