크리스찬 디올 패션의 감성 이미지 연구

A Study on the Sensibility Image of Christian Dior Fashion

  • 전혜정 (서울여자대학교 대학원 의류학과) ;
  • 이윤정 (춘해대학 피부미용디자인과)
  • Chun, Hei-Jung (Dept. of Clothing Science, The Graduate School of Seoul Women's University) ;
  • Lee, Youn-Jeong (Dept. of Skin Esthetics & Beauty Design, Choonhae College)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


Christian Dior has been standing to a good position in fashion and make-up for a long time, and it has been growing up continuously. The purpose of this study was to find out data that a point of view on sensibility. So first, this study analyzed image components of Christian Dior fashion, then this study examined aesthetic characters of Christian Dior fashion. For researching the image of Dior based on an historical consideration of Dior, subjects were fixed in this study. 1) Analyzing image components of Dior fashion 2) Examining image characters of Dior fashion 3) Researching consumers understand how to image of Dior fashion. The study was theoretical and established method; using more than a graduate student-major in clothing and make up, survey$(2004.5\sim6.)$ and SPSS 10 program statistics method. As the results, in Dior fashion, this study analyzed the factors of shape, color, material and texture, and that indicated character of chic, classic, gorgeous and romantic image on the foundation of elegant beauty. As consumers understood that as a same image. By analyzing the image as an emotional side, it could be fundamental data of emotional marketing for Asian.



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