호주제 폐지에 대한 뉴스 프레이밍 비교 연구: 조선일보, 국민일보, 한겨레신문을 중심으로

A Comparative Analysis over News Framing of the Abolition of the Family Headship (Hoju) System: Examining Three Major Korean Dailies: Chosun, Kukmin, Hankyoreh

  • Lee, Min-Kyu (Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism, Chung-Ang University) ;
  • Kim, Su-Jeong (Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism, Chung-Ang University)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.08


본 논문은 1990년 2월부터 2005년 7월까지 호주제와 관련된 $\ulcorner$국민일보$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$조선일보$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$한겨레$\lrcorner$의 신문기사를 대상으로 기사 수, 기사유형별, 등장인물별, 프레이밍 방식, 보도기사 형식별 프레임을 기준으로 살펴보았다. 본 연구에서는 호주제와 관련된 논의를 5시기로 구분하여 각 시기별 두드러지는 프레임과 소외된 프레임에 대해 분석했다. 분석결과에 따르면 호주제 논의와 관련된 프레임은 총 3가지 차원의 6가지 속성으로 구분될 수 있었다. 시기별로 볼 때 호주제에 관한 논의는 호주제 자체에 대한 속성적 차원에서 정치적 법적논의에 대한 차원으로, 그리고 사회적 논의와 관련된 차원으로 이행함을 발견할 수 있었다. 전반적으로 호주제 관련 기사는 '사회변화 혹은 시대정신 반영' 프레임이 우세하나, 속성적 차원에서는 '남성중심 사회의 반영' 프레임이, 대선 및 총선에 가까운 시기에 가서는 '정치적 성향파악의 잣대' 및 '가족법 개정 및 절차' 프레임이 우세했다. 각 신문사별 특성은 조선일보의 경우 호주제를 남성중심 사회의 전통적으로 내려오는 관습으로 바라보면서 기존 전통유지를 강조하는 프레임을 보여주었다. 반면, 한겨레는 호주제를 여성 권익의 향상과 관련짓고 양성평등의 확대를 주장하고 있었다. 국민일보는 호주제 폐지는 여성의 존엄성을 인정하는 시작이며 이 같은 시대적 윤리의 변화를 수용하는 법개정이 중요하다고 보았다.

The main purpose of this study is based on the comparative analysis over news framing of the family headship(Hoju) abolition in Korean society. This study examined the newspaper articles involving the Hoju abolition, which had been printed on the three major dailies, Chosun, Kukmin, Hankyoreh through February of 1990 to July of 2005. First, the news articles were analyzed and classified on the basis of their lengths, news types, main characters, news framing and systematic framing. Second, the articles that this study looked into were divided into the five major periods when the issue of the Hoju abolition in Korean society surfaced as a main social agenda to be discussed. Third, the main differences between the noticeable frame and unnoticeable frame in each period were analyzed through the three different perspectives which can also can be sub-divided into the six different attributes. This study found that the Hoju abolition as an attribute had developed into political, legal and social fields. The analysis of the research shows that the articles related to the patriarchy abolition showed more dominant frame which reflected the social change or the general tendency of the times. However, the analysis indicates that the articles in the level of an attribute included more dominant frame which mirrored a male chauvinism society. It also points out that the articles contained more dominant frame which was be used as a standard to find out the readers' political inclination. The articles also showed the dominant frame which included the revision and legal process of family laws before presidential or general election campaigns. The study also found that there were major differences among the three dailies. First of all, Chosun, regarded the Hoju as a custom by stressing that 'it is necessary to keep Hoju system to intensify the role and crisis of family if the Hoju will be abolished'. However, Hankyoreh recognized the issue as an important one to improve feminism and female rights by maintaining that 'it is the time to balance the inequality out between men and women with the abolition of patriarchy'. Finally, Kukmin treated the issue as an first step to acknowledge the dignity of females by emphasizing that 'a revision of the law is essential to accept the changing ethics of the times'.
