도시민의 은퇴 후 농촌정주에 대한 수요분석

A Demand Analysis on Urbanites' Retired Life in the Countryside

  • 윤순덕 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 농촌자원개발연구소) ;
  • 박공주 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 농촌자원개발연구소)
  • Yoon, Soon-Duck (Rural Resource Development Institute, NIAST, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Park, Gong-Ju (Rural Resource Development Institute, NIAST, Rural Development Administration)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.25


Recently, due to the growing concern of the public in rural amenities and hobby farming works, much more urbanites, especially near-retirees, have been interested in rural life style than before. However, in spite of popular preference to ruralities, little has been known about their demand on retired rural life. Therefore, this study examined urbanites' attitude to preparatory works for out-migration, preferred residential site conditions and life style in the countryside. For this purpose, data were collected from a survey with the sample of 386 urban residents aged 40 to 65 rho hoped moving into the countryside after retirement, through structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistical works were performed using SPSS/PC windows program. The major findings of this study were as follows; (1) Host of urbanites, who answered in this study, planned to prepare ex-urban movement in their fifties and to put into practice in their sixties. (2) Key factors of location decision on movement were proximity/accessibility to centre city, medical service level, and distance to their family or friends. And about a half of respondents wanted second home in the countryside. (3) Most favoured rural life styles were nature-friendly well-being and hobby/healthy firming. Generally, the respondents of this survey had the positive attitude to do works in their later life, especially preferred to farming and volunteering in their communities.



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