농촌어메니티자원의 농촌다움 특성 평가에 관한 연구

A Study on the Assessment of Rurality Characteristics in Rural Amenity Resources

  • 발행 : 2006.06.25


Current environmental problems of rural area are connected to loss of rural functions which is food security as well as conservation of environment, balanced development of country and succession of traditional culture. To solve these problems, recent projects are focusing on social changes in rural area and conservation of rurality creating values of rural amenity resources. At this point, full implications of rurality which is the various aspects of rurality should be defined to be applied in direct plans to conserve the rurality. In this study, nine attributes of rurality are found as various meanings with adjectives included in image of rurality. For practical use of these adjectives of rurality attributes, we evaluate the list of rural amenity resources and suggested plans for conservation of rural amenity. These attributes can be used as an effective method for village plan which brings one of the attributes into relief.



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