장기이식 코디네이터의 실무 경험

The Experiences of Transplantation Coordinators' Practice

  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


Purpose: The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the experiences in the transplantation coordinators' practice. Method: Data was collected through a tape-recorded in-depth interview from nine participants who were transplantation coordinators of their hospitals. It was analyzed using the phenomenological method proposed by Colaizzi(1978). Results: From significant statements, six categories of themes were integrated into the essential structure of the experiences of transplantation coordinators. Six categories of themes were 'continue to be professional during dash this way and rush that', 'burden due to persistent heavy work', 'the uniqueness in family care of the brain-dead patients', 'support of family and a professional group', 'worthiness and achievement of the patients' recovery', and 'establishment of self-confidence as a coordinator'. Conclusion: Although the transplantation coordinators played various roles, they had a conflict in role identity due to poor working environments. The results of this study suggested that development of an educational program, an increase in understanding for the coordinators' role, and institutional support for better working conditions are needed to get professional acknowledgement for transplantation coordinators.



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