2005년 부산지역 이슬의 생성과 화학적 특성

Formation and Chemical Characteristics of Dewfall in 2005 at Busan

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


In order to understand chemical characteristics and formation of dewfall in Busan, we analysed monthly distribution of dewfall, and investigated its chemical composition of dewfall. This study used the modified teflon plate $(1m{\times}1m)$ at Jangyongsil science high school from June 2005 to October 2005. In order to estimate qualitatively water soluble components, IC, ICP and UV methods for water soluble ions are also used respectively. Dewfall amount of sampling periods (26 day) collected 1.29 mm. Distribution of water soluble ions in dewfall founded the highest concentration $(81.3{\mu}eq/{\ell}\;for\;NO_3^-,\;146.6{\mu}eq/{\ell}\;for\;SO_4^{2-},\;and\;114.3{\mu}eq/{\ell}\;for\;nss-SO_4^{2-})$ during the June. pH was the lowest by 5.12 June, and October (pH 6.68) by most high and average pH was 5.46. Monthly equivalent ratio of $[SO_4^{2-}]/[NO_3^-]$ showed the highest value (2.94) during the September, the lowest value (1.77) during the July, and the mean value was 3.45.



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