The Atrophy of lung among chronic asthenia disease is a kind of tuberculosis. It is divided in two types. One is the Atrophy of lung with consumptive fever, the other is the Atrophy of lung with consumptive cold. Four prescriptions can be used treat this disease. Pulmonary abscess(肺癰) is infected by poisonous fatcors of wind and heat. It's symptoms like coughing, chest pain, fever and phlegm with pus after coughing are appeared generally, in case of serious condition, pyemia after coughing can be appeared. This disease is applicable to lung abscess, bronchiectasis, lung gangrene. Six prescriptions can be used to treat this disease. Coughing and congestion of the head(咳嗽上氣) is called Lung-distension(肺腸). Its symptom is dyspnea caused by more expiration rather than inspiration. This disease is divided into two types like chronic asthenia type and inflammatory type. Seven prescriptions can be used to treat this disease.