Effect of aspect ratio on solutally buoyancy-driven convection in mercurous chloride $(Hg_2Cl_2)$ crystal growth processes

  • Kim, Geug-Tae (Department of Nano-Bio Chemical Engineering, Hannam University) ;
  • Lee, Kyoung-Hwan (Energy Conversion Research Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


For an aspect ratio (transport length-to-width) of 5, Pr = 2.89, Le = 0.018, Pe = 2.29, Cv = 1.11, $P_B$=40 Torr, solutally buoyancy-driven convection $(Gr_s=3.03{\times}10^5)$ due to the disparity in the molecular weights of the component A $(Hg_2Cl_2)$ and B (He) is stronger than thermally buoyancy-driven convection $(Cr_t=1.66{\times}10^4)$. The crystal growth rate is decreased exponentially for $2.5\;{\leq}\;Ar\;{\leq}\;5$, with (1) the linear temperature profile and a fixed temperature difference, (2) the imposed thermal profile, a fixed crystal region and varied temperature difference. This is related to the finding that the effects of side walls tend to stabilize convection in the growth reactor. But, with the imposed thermal profile, a fixed source region and varied temperature difference, the rate is increased far $2\;{\leq}\;Ar\;{\leq}\;3$, and remains nearly unchanged for $3\;{\leq}\;Ar\;{\leq}\;5$.



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