Study of Design by Human Sensibility Ergonomics

감성공학에 의한 디자인

  • 차성희 (중앙대학교 디자인학과)
  • Published : 2006.05.25


Design that is emotionally gratifying is a product design that has been produced by considering user's emotions to give satisfaction through a compositive integration of environmental elements, user's psychological and cognitive element and products' physical elements. In the 21c, where this process of integration is much more appreciated, it could be predicted that the competitiveness of a product relies not on technological aspect but on how close the product to a human being as a communication aid. In the world these days, the changes of lifestyle has been excelled due to the rapid growth of scientific technology. It is needed more than ever for the designers to participate in Human Sensibility Ergonomics to cope with the changes and to design products that are emotionally correct. Therefore, Human Sensibility Ergonomics and design should work closely, organizing a system to sharing the research outcomes and investing opportunities for numerous researchers to study.
