사용자참여 디자인을 통한 열린 놀이터 만들기 - 서울 삼양초등학교 옥외공간을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Planning of Outdoor Playground Space Open to the Community through the Participatory Design Method

  • 이영범 (경기대 건축전문대학원)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.31


This paper is to propose a design possibility that incorporates participatory process and also to emphasize the participatory process applied to the planning of outdoor playground space open to the neighboring community. Community design based on the participation method can be understood as an attitude about a force for change in the creation and management of environments for people who are the major users of them. Planning for outdoor space is an integral part of school education and a vital component of child development. For the design of outdoor space of Samyang Elementary School it first needs to examine the current and emerging needs of students, teachers and parents as community residents through the participatory design method. A series of workshops and interviews are taken to identify dreams and ideal spaces of each group. An assessment of existing school spaces and design possibility of reprogrammed outdoor spaces are proposed to match the major demands of participants. Selected outdoor places are chosen and designed to accommodate options for various play settings and to make the school pleasant places where members of the neighborhood can gather for relaxation in restful surroundings.



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