교과교실형 운영에 따른 중학교 시설 개선요인에 대한 교사들의 요구 분석

Analysis of Teachers' Demands about Improving Factors of the Middle School Facilities based on the Variation Type

  • 발행 : 2005.05.31


The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze characteristics of using pattern on the physical facilities and fundamental demands about improving factors associated with management of variation type. The teachers of four middle schools are participated through questionnaires with this survey. According to the results, supplemental factors of learning activities, convenient facilities for students, factors with space utilization, moving class and arrangement of similar subject blocks are influential in order on the awareness of teachers for correspondence of variation type. In the analysis of variance based on the sampling factors, significant differences were shown in the factors of attached group, gender, age and managemental experience of variation type. Especially, the factors with moving class and convenient facilities for students are analytically more differential than the other factors, therefore, these factors must be considered in detail.



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