유럽의 선로사용료체계 분석과 국내 선로사용료체계 구축방향

An Analysis of Track Access Charging Systems of European Countries and Recommendation of Policy Directions for Domestic Track Access Charging System

  • 문진수 (교통개발연구원 철도교통연구실)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Following the rail reform in 2004, rail industry in Korea has separated into two parts: one is the infrastructure manager and the other is train operator. Amongst many aspects, track access charging system is one of the imminent aspects to be studied closely to make the rail reform successful. In this study, track access charging systems of European countries are closely investigated and compared one another and lessons learnt from their experiences are derived. Finally, policy directions regarding the track access charging system to be adopted in Korea are suggested.



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