주거 공간 내 건축 구성 요소의 안전성 분석

An Analysis on the Safety related to Architectural Elements in Housing

  • 발행 : 2005.12.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze the safety issues with regard to architectural elements in housing. Causes of accidents and threats to health are reviewed for 'safety' aspects. Threats to health tend to draw more attention due to recent increase of SHS and its public perceptions. The majority of victims by accidents in residential houses are on juveniles aged under 14 in bathrooms and living rooms. Non-slip finish materials are recommended to floors for access and circulation and protective pads to furniture edges. Colored glass may increase the safety of the windows in the living room. Handles and non-slip mats will be a good addition for the safety. Human scale design of the kitchen system is mandatory and appropriate size of storages for hazardous equipment are to be provided. Passive air ventilation for better air quality by dwellers in residence is occasionally used whereas large-scale apartments provide mechanical ventilation to supplement the volume of fresh air. Since the internal air quality is proved one of the major causes of atopic and respiratory diseases, steady effort to achive better air quality utilizing appropriate materials, plants and equipment is mandatory. Frequent cleaning and the use of anti-fungus materials are necessary because House Dust Mites are believed to be one of main causes of such diseases.



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