Three-Dimensional Computations of the Impulsive Wave Discharged from a Duct

  • Lee Young-Ki (School of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Kweon Yong-Hun (Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Kyushu University) ;
  • Kim Heuy-Dong (School of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Setoguchi Toshiaki (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga University)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


A sudden discharge of mass flow from the exit of a duct can generate an impulsive wave, generally leading to undesirable noise and vibration problems. The present study develops an understanding of unsteady flow physics with regard to the impulsive wave discharged from a duct, using a numerical method. A second order total variation diminishing scheme is employed to solve three-dimensional, unsteady, compressible Euler equations. Computations are performed for several exit conditions with and without ground and wall effects under a change in the Mach number of an initial shock wave from 1.1 to 1.5. The results obtained show that the directivity and magnitude of the impulsive wave discharged from the duct are significantly influenced by the initial shock Mach number and by the presence of the ground and walls.



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