불평형 전원전압을 갖는 정류시스템에서 출력필터에 따른 입력 특성 분석

Analysis of Input Characteristic in the Rectifier for Output Filter with Unbalanced Supply Voltages

  • 강수현 (강원대학교 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 김상훈 (강원대학교 전기전자정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.31


The rectifier characteristics and the quality of the input current worsens with the increase of unbalances or harmonics of the supply voltages. Rectifier input current harmonics interfere with proper power system operation, reduce rectifier power factor, and limit the power available from a given source. It is of importance to select appropriately the rectifier's output filter inductance to determine the rectifier input current waveform, the input current harmonics, and the power factor. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of single and three phase rectifier input current harmonics, total harmonic distortion, and power factor as a function of the output filter inductance under balanced and unbalanced conditions. Also, its performance under the supply voltage including harmonics be investigated. These results provide a reference for selecting reasonable rectifier's output filter inductance for given harmonics or power factor criterion.
