The Forecasting for the Numbers of a High-school Graduate and the Number Limit of Matriculation in Kyungbook

  • 발행 : 2005.11.30


Recently, the decrease of the number of a high-school graduate have serious influences on the number of a limit matriculation of colleges and universities. Based on the resident registration population, we forecast for the number of a high-school graduate until 2022 year in kyungbook. Most college and universities in Kyungbook have to reduce the 67.8% of the number of limit matriculation until 2022 year to avert a disaster by prompt action.



  1. 교육통계연보 교육인적자원부
  2. Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society v.15 Statistical Survey about the Rates of Application for the 2005 Susi Second Semester Admission to Universities in Daegu and yungbook 김종태
  3. Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society v.16 The Forecasting About the Number of the Third Graders in a High-school until 2022 year in Daegu City 김종태
  4. 통계청 홈페이지;연령별(시도) 추계인구
  5. 통계청 KOSIS 홈페이지;주민등록인구통계
  6. 통계청 KOSIS 홈페이지;인구동태(출생, 사망)