의복의 스타일과 색채에 따른 인지적 추론에 관한 연구

The Study of Cognitive Inferences According to Style and Color of Clothing

  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The purpose of this study was to identify the categories and contents of the cognitive inferences of both men and women regarding the style and color of clothing. The study was conducted by survey method, using open-ended questions. The data were collected from 420 male/female university students and analyzed by the qualitative method. The main results are as follows: First, cognitive inferences are formed from stereotypes that fall into six categories--appearance, personality, background, behavior, situation, and reaction. Second, there are some differentiations in these stereotypes depending on clothing style and color. Specifically, the amount of exposure represented in the clothing style is a salient features, one that shows situational attribution. Third, the strength of stereotype differs depending on the sex of perceivers: women indicate a stronger tendency to stereotype-based on clothing-than do men. In conclusion, each of cognitive inferences occurs between wearer and the actual perceiver. Stereotypes are important determining factors fDr making cognitive inferences.



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