마이클 그레이브스의 주택 디자인 특성 - 시대적 흐름 배경중심으로 -

Characteristic Analysis of Housing Design of Michael Graves - As the generation passes -

  • 신경주 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인학과) ;
  • 전려진 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인학과) ;
  • 노상완 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


The subject of this paper is to find out the characteristics of Michael Graves' housing design. I collected the information of his designs and teamed his design language through his works on different time. I chose five actual housings for analysis which were built since 1960 when he have started his career. Though analysis of the exterior view, plane figures and the total arrangement photos, I could reached the conclusion. From analysis of this research I could figure out the characteristic of Michael Graves housing design as follows. During his whole working career $(1960\~present)$, his design style has went through distinctive characteristic changes that can be divided into: 1960s to early 1970s, mid and late 1970s, 1980s to as of now. 1960s to early 1970s, during this period his works implicated transparency, openness, consistency, complication, and contrast on space, abstraction, white-color and metaphor. mid and late 1970s, showed the white-color figure put together with geometrical structure and post-modernism styles such as ornamentation, natural and metaphor. 1980s to as of now, implicated ornamentation, natural features, historic background, interconnections, variety, symbolism and tradition.



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