Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Filling Stage in Casting Process Using Adaptive Grid Refinement Technique

3차원 적응 격자 세분화를 이용한 주조 공정의 충전 해석

  • 김기돈 (한국과학기술원 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 정준호 (한국기계연구원 지능형정밀기계연구부) ;
  • 양동열 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2005.05.01


A 3-D finite element model combined with a volume tracking method is presented in this work to simulate the mold filling for casting processes. Especially, the analysis involves an adaptive grid method that is created under a criterion of element categorization of filling states and locations in the total region at each time step. By using an adaptive grid wherein the elements, finer than those in internal and external regions, are distributed at the surface region through refinement and coarsening procedures, a more efficient analysis of transient fluid flow with free surface is achieved. Adaptive grid based on VOF method is developed in tetrahedral element system. Through a 3-D analysis of the benchmark test of the casting process, the efficiency of the proposed adaptive grid method is verified. Developed FE code is applied to a typical industrial part of the casting process such as aluminum road wheel.



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