공공 연구기관의 지적자본 측정

Measurement of Intellectual Capital in Public Research Institute

  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


This paper aims to measure the intellectual capital (IC) of the E institute, a typical type of public research institute and to analyse the measurement results. Regarding the research framework, we basically adopted the 'Intangible Assets Monitor' proposed by Sveiby and comprising human capital, structural capital and relational capital. For this work, we firstly identified 37 intellectual capital indicators which are slightly, or sometimes totally, different from ones for private companies in the perspective of their organisational attributes and characteristics. Then, based on these 37 indicators, we measured a current state of the intellectual capital in 2003 and 2004 respectively and identified the range of variation between two years. Through this work, we try to show that the core competitiveness of the public research institute came from not tangible assets such as land, building and facilities, but intellectual capital including human competences, the rational organisational system and the stakeholder's satisfaction. As a result, it may constitute the first time in Korea for the E institute to measure its own intellectual capital for two years as well as to publish the findings of measurement.
