의사 솔리드 부품 모델에 대한 금형 설계 시스템의 개발

Development of Injection Mold Design System for Pseudo-Solid Part Models

  • 이상헌 (국민대 자동차공학전문대학원) ;
  • 임성락 (국민대 자동차공학전문대학원) ;
  • 이강수 (한밭대 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This paper describes the parting and Boolean operations for a pseudo-solid model of a plastic part, and their application to injection mold design. Here, a pseudo-solid model means a sheet model that looks like a solid model, but its boundary is not closed. When a solid model created in a different CAD system is imported through a standard data exchange file format, in most cases, a pseudo-solid model may be created due to tolerance or some other problems. However, most existing mold design systems based on solid modeling kernels require a complete part solid model. Therefore, mold designers have to do time-consuming healing operations to convert a pseudo-solid to solid. To eliminate or reduce the healing pre-process for mold design, in this paper, we proposed the parting and Boolean Operations on pseudo-solid part models. This paper also describes their detailed implementation and a case study.



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