불확실한 Affine TFM(Transfer Function Matrix) 시스템의 강인한 다중 루프 제어기 설계

Robust Multiloop Controller Design of Uncertain Affine TFM(Transfer Function Matrix) System

  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


This paper provides sufficient conditions for the robustness of Affine linear TFM(Transfer Function Matrix) MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) uncertain systems based on Rosenbrock's DNA (Direct Nyquist Array). The parametric uncertainty is modeled through a Affine TFM MIMO description, and the unstructured uncertainty through a bounded perturbation of Affine polynomials. Gershgorin's theorem and concepts of diagonal dominance and GB(Gershgorin Bands) are extended to include model uncertainty. For this type of parametric robust performance we show robustness of the Affine TFM systems using Nyquist diagram and GB, DNA(Direct Nyquist Array). Multiloop PI/PB controllers can be tuned by using a modified version of the Ziegler-Nickels (ZN) relations. Simulation examples show the performance and efficiency of the proposed multiloop design method.



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