유전자재조합식품(GMO)에 대한 소비자 정보요구도 연구

A Study on Consumers' Information Demand of Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO)

  • 박혜영 (건국대학교 대학원 가정학과) ;
  • 김시월 (건국대학교 소비자 ${\cdot}$ 주거학과)
  • Park, Hye-Young (Dept. of Home Economics Graduate School, Konkuk Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Si-Wuel (Dept. of Consumer Science & Housing, Konkuk Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


This study analyzed the degree of demand for genetically modified organisms(GMOs) to provide the basic information for consumers' reasonable purchase decision making and their right to know about GMOs. Based on the (Ed-there are no study results above) study results, the following suggestion were made. First, throughout the survey, it was found that those consumers who participated had a high level of perception on the harm of GMOs. Therefore, reliable organizations such as government agencies are required to present the results of safety tests and formulate plans related to the safety of GMOs. Second, the average score on consumers' level of consumer knowledge on GMOs was very low, being 1.68 out of a possible 8 points. Third, since women and housewives engaged in dietary habits and food had high demand for information on GMOs, it is necessary to provide women with information on GMOs. Fourth, since it is difficult to confirm the presence or absence of GMOs. in rapidly increasing demand for fast-food, it is necessary that consumers be provided with relevant information and make a reasonable judgement in purchasing food. Fifth, it is necessary to provide detailed regulations and measures for concrete contents and directions of information on GMOs. Sixth, it is necessary to provid information on GMOs from the commercial sources of information that are most preferred by consumers.



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